Bees collected with bee bowls in conjunction with a study of pollinator-friendly solar installations in Vermont. 2019 & 2020 surveys were part of pilot study to develop sampling protocols at solar sites. Surveys continued in 2021 at some, but not all of the pilot sites. 2021 Surveys were conducted at pollinator-friendly solar fields and at corresponding conventional solar fields to be used as reference sites. Some sites were in their "native state" as construction had not yet begun, while others were completed and seeded with pollinator-friendly native perennials. Each solar site was given the same site prep treatment, and seeded with the same pollinator mix developed by Bee the Change.
データ レコード
この sampling event リソース内のデータは、1 つまたは複数のデータ テーブルとして生物多様性データを共有するための標準化された形式であるダーウィン コア アーカイブ (DwC-A) として公開されています。 コア データ テーブルには、21 レコードが含まれています。
拡張データ テーブルは1 件存在しています。拡張レコードは、コアのレコードについての追加情報を提供するものです。 各拡張データ テーブル内のレコード数を以下に示します。
この IPT はデータをアーカイブし、データ リポジトリとして機能します。データとリソースのメタデータは、 ダウンロード セクションからダウンロードできます。 バージョン テーブルから公開可能な他のバージョンを閲覧でき、リソースに加えられた変更を知ることができます。
Mazurowski J, Hardy S (2024). Surveys of the bee (Hymenoptera: Apiformes) community in and around solar installations. Version 1.10. Vermont Center for Ecostudies. Samplingevent dataset. https://ipt.vtatlasoflife.org/resource?r=uvmsolar&v=1.10
パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Vermont Center for Ecostudies。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.
このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: c12a720a-b381-40ce-9746-7cecb8a7735cが割り当てられています。 GBIF-US によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているVermont Center for Ecostudies が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。
Samplingevent; Samplingevent
- メタデータ提供者 ●
- 最初のデータ採集者 ●
- 連絡先
- 最初のデータ採集者 ●
- 連絡先
座標(緯度経度) | 南 西 [43.429, -73.389], 北 東 [45.074, -71.51] |
Superfamily | Apoidea |
開始日 / 終了日 | 2019-04-01 / 2021-11-01 |
Bees collected with bee bowls in conjunction with a study of pollinator-friendly solar installations in Vermont. 2019 & 2020 surveys were part of pilot study to develop sampling protocols at solar sites. Surveys continued in 2021 as some, but not all of the pilot sites. 2021 Surveys were conducted at pollinator-friendly solar fields and at corresponding conventional solar fields to be used as reference sites. Some sites were in their "native state" and construction has not yet begun, while others were completed and seeded with pollinator-friendly native perennials. Each solar site was given the same site prep treatment, and seeded with the same pollinator mix developed by Bee the Change.
タイトル | UVM Pollinator-friendly Solar Installations |
ファンデイング | Funding provided by the Lintilhac Foundation and the Gund Institute for Environment. |
Study Area Description | Vermont |
- 論文著者
All surveys were conducted using the pan trap method, with transects placed adjacent to the solar facility, outside of the fence line. Each transect consisted of 15 bowls: 5 white, 5 blue, 5 red. Bowls were spaced ~5 meters from each other in an alternating pattern and collected 24 hours later
Study Extent | 2019 & 2020 surveys were part of pilot study to develop sampling protocols at solar sites. Surveys continued in 2021 as some, but not all of the pilot sites. 2021 Surveys were conducted at pollinator-friendly solar fields and at corresponding conventional solar fields to be used as reference sites. |
Quality Control | Determinations by Spencer Hardy, Sam Droege, Michael Veit, and Joan Milam |
Method step description:
- 15 (5 each white, blue, yellow) bee bowls were deployed at each site for ~24 hours.
コレクション名 | Universtiy of Vermont - Gund Institute |
標本保存方法 | Pinned |
Incomplete data from 2019 originally published, complete data from 2019-2021 added, with some formatting changes om 5/16/2022. A few identifications still outstanding.
代替識別子 | c12a720a-b381-40ce-9746-7cecb8a7735c |
https://ipt.vtatlasoflife.org/resource?r=uvmsolar |