We sampled bees at 31 sites in clearcuts, mowed wildlife openings and wildlife openings treated with prescribed fire in the spring and summer of 2015 to compare the effectiveness of these practices for promoting native bee communities. We also sampled 20 points within a fire-adapted forest community on the Dome, a mountain in Pownal Vermont, to provide baseline data to gauge the effects of proposed restoration activities.
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King D, Milam J (2023): Native Bee Baseline and Effects Monitoring on the Green Mountain National Forest 2015. v1.6. Vermont Center for Ecostudies. Dataset/Samplingevent. https://ipt.vtatlasoflife.org/resource?r=gmnf2015&v=1.6
パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Vermont Center for Ecostudies。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.
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Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont
座標(緯度経度) | 南 西 [42.495, -74.355], 北 東 [44.84, -71.455] |
Superfamily | Anthophila (Bees) |
We sampled bees at 31 sites in clearcuts, mowed wildlife openings and wildlife openings treated with prescribed fire in the spring and summer of 2015 to compare the effectiveness of these practices for promoting native bee communities. We also sampled 20 points within a fire-adapted forest community on the Dome, a mountain in Pownal Vermont, to provide baseline data to gauge the effects of proposed restoration activities.
タイトル | Native Bee Baseline and Effects Monitoring on the Green Mountain National Forest |
- 論文著者
- 論文著者
Points in clearcuts and wildlife openings were sampled using bee bowls and target netting. Bee bowls consisted of 100 ml plastic cups filled two-thirds full with dish soap and water solution and placed at 3 m intervals alternating white, florescent yellow and florescent blue along linear transects centered on each sample point. Bee bowls were deployed during fair weather with no rain or high winds and retrieved after 24 hrs. Target netting took place during a 30 min period in which an observer with an insect net captured bees from flowers, other vegetation, or in flight. All bees captured were collected. Points in wildlife openings were sampled once during either an early sample period (10-12 June) or a later sampling period (15-17 September). All points on the Dome were sampled three times each season during the early period (28-29 May) mid-season (11-12 June, or late period (15-17 September).
Study Extent | We conducted this study at 51 sample points distributed across the GMNF, located in the southwestern and central portion of Vermont, USA (Appendix 1). Except for three sites, these were a subset of points that had been established by J. Smetzer for her master's study on birds (Smetzer 2014). The GMNF is 161,531 ha in area and consists primarily of northern hardwoods in the lower elevation zones in which this study occurred (U.S.Department of Agriculture [USDA] Forest Service 2006). Thirty-one of these points were in regenerating clearcuts, mowed wildlife openings and wildlife openings treated with prescribed fire. All sites were >1 ha in area, and ranged in elevation from 303 to 687 m asl. Time since last treatment ranged from 0-17 years, and did not differ among treatments (F2=1.17, P=0.18). Twenty additional points ranging from 450 to 658 m asl. were established on the Dome, a mountain in Pownal, Vermont, within a fire-adapted forest being considered for restoration. |
Quality Control | Determinations by Joan Milam and Sam Droege |
Method step description:
- Captured bees were preserved in alcohol and later washed, dried, pinned, labeled and identified to species using a variety of keys, both online (Discoverlife.org) and in print (e.g., Mitchell 1960, 1962).
コレクション名 | GMNF 2015 collection |
Parent Collection Identifier | Vermont Atlas of Life |
標本保存方法 | Pinned |
代替識別子 | a8d8aa54-9900-4b6d-b2c5-b70a5a4eb790 |
https://ipt.vtatlasoflife.org/resource?r=gmnf2015 |